Federation Against Software Theft warns of uncertainties of second-hand software

FAST issues “buyer beware” warning Legal issues relating to Second Hand Software have been attracting attention for some time now.  Those issues appear to sit in a developing area of law and it is difficult to anticipate where the law will finally settle.   This happens at a time that FAST has had to terminate […]

HR policies need to address the issue of software compliance

Warning from FAST comes as leading training company found to be under-licensed by £28,000 The Federation Against Software Theft has urged HR directors to educate employees and update corporate software usage policies after it recently recovered over £28,000 in revenue from under licenses at a leading UK skills and training provider. The company, TLE is […]

Legal & Government Affairs Update September 2020

Global Privacy Expectations of Video Teleconference Providers Whilst the use of Video Teleconferencing (VTC) services isn’t novel or ground-breaking, we have seen an exponential growth in their usage across all sectors in the wake of COVID-19. Greater usage has resulted in increased sharing of personal information, which is particularly pertinent in the healthcare sector where […]

Whistle while you work: not likely if you work in Britain

We don’t care! Workforce unaware of whistle-blowing legislation designed to protect them and probably wouldn’t report malpractice anyway Over three-quarters of UK office workers would turn a blind eye to malpractice in the office and fail to report it, according to the latest research from the Federation Against Software Theft. The research also found that […]